Home Finance & Business Auto Hall reports 2.9% sales growth, driven by diverse vehicle portfolio

Auto Hall reports 2.9% sales growth, driven by diverse vehicle portfolio

In the first half of 2024, Morocco’s national vehicle market (passenger cars and light commercial vehicles) showed signs of recovery despite a challenging economic environment. Total sales volume slightly increased, reaching 82,286 units by the end of June 2024—a 1% rise compared to 81,419 units sold during the same period in 2023. This growth was fueled by the launch of several infrastructure projects and a strong demand for utility vehicles, whose sales surged by 15% compared to the first half of 2023.

Auto Hall capitalized on this market recovery through its diversified portfolio of brands, multi-format offerings (passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles, industrial vehicles, and agricultural machinery), and new growth initiatives. The group’s sales volume reached 9,414 units, representing a 2.9% increase compared to the first half of 2023. This performance was supported by the expansion of Auto Hall’s geographic coverage, with new branches opened in Mohammedia, Kénitra, and Tanger in 2023, followed by Tifelt in 2024.

Auto Hall’s strategy of transitioning to gasoline, hybrid, and electric vehicles also played a key role in its success. The group hosted the first edition of the Auto Hall Electric Vehicle Show (SAVE), highlighting its commitment to sustainable mobility.

Auto Hall’s commercial success during the first half of 2024, coupled with an improved product mix, resulted in consolidated revenue of 2.432 billion dirhams (MDH), marking a 10% increase compared to the first half of 2023. This growth was accompanied by a 12.5% rise in EBITDA, reflecting sustained profitability. Pre-tax profit for the period stood at 61 MDH, which also factored in a one-time transaction related to the group’s real estate assets.

Looking ahead, Auto Hall continues to focus on its development plan, which includes diversifying its vehicle offerings, expanding its distribution network, and developing high-value-added activities. These strategic initiatives aim to strengthen Auto Hall’s business model in response to evolving economic conditions and changing consumer preferences in mobility. The group expects that these efforts, combined with its optimization plan, will further enhance its commercial performance and profitability throughout 2024.

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