Home Finance & Business Key highlights from AMMC’s Q1 2024 report on stock market

Key highlights from AMMC’s Q1 2024 report on stock market

The Moroccan Capital Market Authority (AMMC) has released its report on the profile of stock market investors for the first quarter of 2024, revealing several key trends:

  1. Collective investment schemes lead the market: Collective Investment Schemes (OPCVM) dominated the stock market with purchases amounting to 4.6 billion dirhams (MMDH) and sales totaling 3.1 MMDH.
  2. Moroccan legal entities as net sellers: Moroccan corporate entities were net sellers, with sales reaching 3.2 MMDH against purchases of 3.1 MMDH.
  3. Surge in individual investors: Moroccan individual investors significantly increased their stock purchases, which were 4.8 times higher than Q1 2023 and 65% higher than Q4 2023, totaling 2.7 MMDH.
  4. Bank network investors’ activity: Investors operating through the banking network increased their purchases by 55% compared to Q4 2023 and tripled their Q1 2023 figures. Their sales surged by 78.3% compared to Q4 2023 and increased 6.3 times compared to Q1 2023.
  5. Foreign institutional investors: Foreign institutional investors conducted 511 million dirhams (MDH) in purchases and 992 MDH in sales.
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