Home News Mazagan leads in eco-friendly practices with new composting plant

Mazagan leads in eco-friendly practices with new composting plant

Mazagan Beach & Golf Resort has taken a significant step towards sustainability by inaugurating a state-of-the-art composting station. This facility will convert the resort’s organic waste into high-quality compost, enriching the soil and promoting biodiversity. This concrete action, aligned with the International Day dedicated to environmental awareness, demonstrates Mazagan Beach & Golf Resort’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Composting is a natural process where organic waste, such as food scraps, dead leaves, garden residues, coffee grounds, and eggshells, decompose and recycle into natural fertilizers. This fertile product enhances soil quality and plant growth, turning waste into a valuable resource.

The composting process at Mazagan Beach & Golf Resort:

  • Waste Collection: Gathering organic waste like fruit and vegetable scraps, dead leaves, garden waste, and kitchen scraps such as coffee grounds and eggshells.
  • Grinding: Breaking down organic waste into small pieces to speed up decomposition by increasing the surface area for microorganisms.
  • Aeration and Mixing: Regularly mixing the waste to promote aeration and distribute microorganisms and moisture evenly throughout the compost pile.
  • Initial Decomposition: Microorganisms begin to break down organic waste in an anaerobic environment (without oxygen), producing heat as a byproduct.
  • Active Decomposition: Aerobic microorganisms take over, continuing to decompose the organic waste in an oxygenated environment, also generating heat.
  • Moisture Control: Monitoring and adjusting the compost’s moisture level to maintain optimal decomposition conditions, typically between 60% and 70% humidity.
  • Compost Maturation: The waste gradually transforms into mature, stabilized soil amendment, usually after several weeks to months, depending on composting conditions.
  • Compost Use: Incorporating mature compost into the soil to enrich its structure, improve fertility, and promote plant growth.

This innovative project complements the Wastewater Treatment Plant (STEP) installed since the resort’s opening in 2009, which treats all wastewater from the resort. These initiatives reinforce Mazagan Beach & Golf Resort’s commitment to environmental responsibility and bolster its position as an eco-friendly establishment. Through these efforts, Mazagan Beach & Golf Resort continues to lead in sustainable development and responsible resource management, paving the way for a greener future where every action contributes to preserving our planet. Mazagan Beach & Golf Resort invites all its staff, clients, and partners to celebrate this significant advancement and to join together in fostering a healthier, more sustainable environment.

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