Home Culture Moroccan contemporary art shines at Paris’ avant-garde “ARABOFUTURS” exhibition

Moroccan contemporary art shines at Paris’ avant-garde “ARABOFUTURS” exhibition

Moroccan contemporary art takes center stage at the avant-garde exhibition “ARABOFUTURS” on science fiction and new visions in the Arab world, currently being held at the Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA) in Paris.

Representing Morocco at this event are artists Mounir Ayache, Meriem Bennani, Hicham Berrada, Sara Sadik, and Youssef Oubahou, who showcase their futuristic creations alongside thirteen other artists from various Arab countries.

Open to the public until October 27, “ARABOFUTURS: Science Fiction and New Imaginaries” offers an immersive journey into the dreamlike realms of Arab science fiction and new imaginations. The exhibition aims to introduce visitors to this dynamic and speculative creative laboratory that spans all territories of artistic creation.

Videographers, visual artists, photographers, and performers at the exhibition are redefining perspectives, identities, and offering emancipatory counter-narratives. Themes such as globalization, modernity, ecology, migrations, gender, and decolonization are central to their works.

The eighteen artists present diverse and engaged new possibilities, respectful of life and sometimes offering dystopian visions that highlight the contradictions of our world. Their works serve as tools for reflection and imagination, challenging dominant narratives and giving voice not only to marginalized people but also to the living and non-living elements around us. The goal is to create a world where these elements can reclaim their place, while highlighting the fragility of human dominance.

These “Journeys to Tomorrow” provide both contemplation and reflection, inviting audiences to envision futures alongside and through the Arab world, for the benefit of all humanity and the living world.

Jack Lang, president of the IMA, praised the exhibition as a “very original” event that brings together artists focused on future-oriented themes such as artificial intelligence, ecology, science, and creative expression in all its forms, including science fiction.

In a statement to MAP, Lang expressed his delight that “once again, Moroccans are at the forefront” with five artists selected to participate in this major cultural event. According to Lang, the works are “very original, very astonishing, very beautiful, and surprising,” appealing to a younger audience that enjoys being transported to magical or fairy-tale-like universes.

Élodie Bouffard, head of exhibitions at the IMA and co-curator of the exhibition, noted that this project of contemporary art is marked by a strong Moroccan presence, with “an extremely strong signature” and the “emergence of a scene that speaks for itself but also wants to speak to the world.” These artists, she emphasized, help explore possible futures, created by artists of Arab origin, presenting futures that are unexpected.

Bouffard highlighted the importance of moving beyond Eurocentric or Western-centric visions, emphasizing the collaborative nature of constructing futures and the role of artists in anticipating and facilitating emancipation.

To complement the exhibition, a rich and varied cultural program is offered to the public, including conferences, artist talks, literary events, and musical evenings.

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