Home Morocco Slight increase in baccalaureate success: 67.8% pass rate in 2024

Slight increase in baccalaureate success: 67.8% pass rate in 2024


A ministry announcement has revealed that 245,881 students from both public and private schools successfully passed the regular session exams this year, including 143,366 girls.

The success rate for this session reached an impressive 67.8%, marking an 8 percentage point increase from the previous year. Girls outperformed boys with a success rate of 72% compared to 62.6% for boys.

A total of 362,848 school-enrolled candidates took the exams, reflecting a participation rate of 97.4%, compared to 410,273 candidates in the previous year, which had a 96.3% participation rate.

For independent candidates, 74,556 appeared for the exams, achieving a participation rate of 61.8%, with 29,440 passing, resulting in a success rate of 39.5%.

Out of all successful candidates, 148,362 achieved honors, representing 54% of the total pass rate, including both school-enrolled and independent candidates.

In the international tracks of the Moroccan baccalaureate, the success rate reached 70.7%, while the professional tracks achieved a success rate of 64.2%.

Notably, 1,024 candidates with disabilities, who benefited from adapted exams or conditions, or both, achieved a success rate of 75.7%.


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