Home Finance & Business The 6th “Industry Meeting Morocco” kicks off in Tangier

The 6th “Industry Meeting Morocco” kicks off in Tangier

Today, Tangier is abuzz with the launch of the 6th edition of Industry Meeting Morocco, themed “The New Industrial Era Driven by Sovereignty.” This event brings together a distinguished assembly of experts, institutional representatives, economic operators, and industry professionals.

A strategic event aligned with national vision

Organized by Industrie du Maroc Magazine and under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, this edition echoes the strategic directions of the Kingdom. It draws inspiration from King Mohammed VI’s call for a new growth stage and preparation for a new industrial era centered on sovereignty.

With this coherent and pertinent royal vision, the conference will delve into various facets of this industrial ambition. Esteemed speakers, including government representatives, institutional players in industrial development, and influential economic operators from both national and international arenas, will lead the discussions.

Keynote highlights and event features

In his opening speech, Hicham Rahioui Idrissi, President of Industry Meeting Morocco and founder of Industrie du Maroc Magazine, emphasized the significance of this landmark event. Celebrating innovation, performance, and excellence in the industrial sector, the forum serves as a hub for ideas, exchanges, and collaborations where industry leaders, experts, and innovators can collectively forge solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.

Rahioui Idrissi highlighted a rich and diverse program aimed at meeting the expectations of industrialists and innovators. Industrie du Maroc Magazine has also introduced a digital platform named “Whova” to facilitate interactions among participants and create business opportunities.

Attendees are invited to explore the exhibition space and a dedicated startup area, where emerging companies can showcase their innovations. The event also includes the 4th edition of the Industry Meeting Awards, celebrating outstanding achievements in the economic and industrial spheres.

Government initiatives and digital strategy

Abdeslam Hassar, a mission officer at the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, underscored the ministry’s efforts in developing the national digital strategy, which includes fostering the startup ecosystem in Morocco. This initiative is vital for stimulating innovation, enhancing economic competitiveness, and positioning Morocco as a key player in the digital industry globally.

Hassar detailed several initiatives designed to bolster the competitiveness and innovation capacity of industrial startups. Among these is the Smart Factory project by the Digital Development Agency (ADD), aimed at establishing a modern digital factory to disseminate best practices of Industry 4.0 and support the digital transformation of SMEs.

He also emphasized the strategic focus on developing digital talent, with the ministry launching various actions to align talent production with market needs. Notably, a call for proposals, in collaboration with the Mohammed VI Investment Fund and the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG), attracted 47 investment funds, including 35 international ones, to create a dedicated startup fund.

“This strategic initiative aims to boost startup financing in Morocco, covering diverse sectors and development stages, thereby reinforcing our position as an innovation hub and supporting a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem globally,” Hassar noted. The ministry remains committed to supporting industrial startups through various actions and initiatives, aiming to foster an ecosystem conducive to innovation and competitiveness.

A platform for engagement and innovation

This edition aims to unite the commitment of various stakeholders, enhance effectiveness and harmony among actors, and consolidate ongoing efforts in implementing the new industrial strategy.

Additionally, the event will feature the Startup Act, providing a crucial platform for ambitious entrepreneurs to present their innovative ideas and attract interest from investors and potential partners in the industrial and technological sectors.

The program includes multiple panels on topics such as “Startups and Industry: New Actors of Innovation,” “Innovation Ecosystems: Building Bridges Between Startups and Industry,” “The New Industrial Era Driven by Sovereignty,” “Perspectives on Energy Sovereignty,” and “Innovation, Training, and Design in Service of Industrial Sovereignty.”

Moreover, the event will host the International Forum on Industry Energy, offering a unique opportunity to discuss emerging trends and innovative solutions to current and future industry and energy challenges.

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