Home Morocco Weather forecast for tuesday, July 8, 2024

Weather forecast for tuesday, July 8, 2024

The Directorate General of Meteorology has issued the following forecast for Tuesday, July 8, 2024. Here are the expected minimum and maximum temperatures for various cities:

  • Oujda: 20°C / 36°C
  • Bouarfa: 24°C / 42°C
  • Al Hoceima: 19°C / 26°C
  • Tétouan: 18°C / 30°C
  • Sebta: 15°C / 28°C
  • Mellilia: 20°C / 29°C
  • Tanger: 19°C / 33°C
  • Kénitra: 19°C / 27°C
  • Rabat: 18°C / 27°C
  • Casablanca: 18°C / 25°C
  • El Jadida: 19°C / 25°C
  • Settat: 16°C / 31°C
  • Safi: 17°C / 29°C
  • Khouribga: 18°C / 34°C
  • Béni Mellal: 19°C / 36°C
  • Marrakech: 20°C / 37°C
  • Meknès: 18°C / 34°C
  • Fès: 20°C / 35°C
  • Ifrane: 15°C / 33°C
  • Taounate: 22°C / 37°C
  • Errachidia: 28°C / 43°C
  • Ouarzazate: 24°C / 42°C
  • Agadir: 17°C / 26°C
  • Essaouira: 17°C / 24°C
  • Laâyoune: 19°C / 29°C
  • Smara: 17°C / 33°C
  • Dakhla: 18°C / 25°C
  • Aousserd: 25°C / 38°C
  • Lagouira: 21°C / 31°C
  • Midelt: 19°C / 39°C

The highest temperatures are expected in Errachidia with a scorching 43°C, and Bouarfa and Ouarzazate close behind at 42°C.

Coastal cities like Al Hoceima, Casablanca, and Essaouira will enjoy cooler weather, with highs of 26°C, 25°C, and 24°C respectively.

Midelt will also experience relatively high temperatures, reaching up to 39°C.

Ifrane, known for its cooler climate, will have temperatures ranging from a cool 15°C in the morning to a warmer 33°C during the day.

Stay hydrated and take necessary precautions if you’re in areas expecting high temperatures. Enjoy the pleasant weather if you’re in the coastal regions!

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