Home Finance & Business CDG and CDC forge stronger ties with new partnership agreement

CDG and CDC forge stronger ties with new partnership agreement


A pivotal agreement was signed in Paris on Tuesday between the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG) of Morocco and the Caisse française des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) of France, aiming to enhance the partnership between the two institutions.

Signed by CDG Director General Khalid Safir and CDC Director General Éric Lombard, the agreement sets a framework for strengthening and deepening the collaboration between the institutions from 2024 to 2029. The agreement focuses on three main areas: public interest activities, economic, social, and environmental development, and banking, finance, and insurance activities.

In a statement to the MAP during the signing ceremony, which was attended by Morocco’s Ambassador to Paris, Samira Sitaïl, Mr. Safir highlighted that this agreement will allow both Moroccan and French entities to collaborate and exchange on various crucial subjects. These include management, energy transitions, sustainable development, digital transformation, financial inclusion, and the enhancement of social protection and coverage.

This agreement, Mr. Safir continued, reinforces a “long-standing” and “historic” relationship between the two institutions, perfectly aligning with the Franco-Moroccan relations.

Similarly, Mr. Lombard noted that “the link between the CDG and the CDC is very old, dating back to the creation of the CDG in 1959.” Since then, “we have developed numerous collaborations, including joint investments, knowledge exchanges, and a solid friendship between our teams,” he added.

Praising the friendly relations between France and Morocco, Mr. Lombard emphasized that the cooperation between the two institutions “not only contributes to the development of our two countries but also strengthens operational, institutional, and, most importantly, human ties.”

Through this agreement, both parties also commit to establishing an effective and sustainable long-term exchange and sharing mechanism within their respective missions.

Additionally, the agreement aims to jointly develop the work of the “Forum des Caisses de Dépôt” and collectively identify solutions to address major challenges in the Mediterranean region.

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