Home Morocco Economic loans slow down amid easing inflation and interest rate cuts

Economic loans slow down amid easing inflation and interest rate cuts

Monetary growth slightly decelerated in the second quarter of 2024, increasing by 4.3% year-on-year, compared to a 4.4% rise in the previous quarter. The demand for bank liquidity remained high, though slightly eased due to a slowdown in currency circulation compared to the same period last year. Official reserve assets accelerated by 7.9%, and net claims on the central administration continued to rise, reflecting a 0.6% increase in the Treasury’s monetary debt.

Continued deceleration in economic loans

Economic loans slowed down once again, with their outstanding amount rising by 4.9% year-on-year in Q2 2024, down from 6.2% in the previous quarter. This deceleration was mainly due to a slowdown in corporate treasury and equipment loans, as well as in household housing loans. After pausing its monetary tightening policy by keeping the key interest rate stable at 3% for five consecutive quarters, Bank Al-Maghrib reduced the rate by 25 basis points to 2.75% in June 2024. This decision came amid a significant easing of inflationary pressures nationally. Interbank market interest rates stabilized at the key rate, with their average level decreasing by one basis point year-on-year. Concurrently, rates significantly declined in the Treasury bond auction market, with 5-year and 10-year maturity rates dropping by 72 and 80 basis points, respectively. Meanwhile, creditor rates limited their increase to an average of 2 basis points. In the foreign exchange market, the dirham appreciated by 1.6% against the euro and 0.5% against the US dollar.

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