Home Morocco Inauguration of Morocco’s first legal cannabis processing plant

Inauguration of Morocco’s first legal cannabis processing plant

Mohamed El Guerrouj, Director General of the National Agency for the Regulation of Cannabis-Related Activities (ANRAC), officially opened the first legal cannabis processing plant in Taounate on Tuesday. This milestone, part of the implementation of Law 13-21 governing the legal uses of cannabis, is expected to bring significant changes to the local economy, particularly through job creation and the development of a high-value-added sector aimed at fostering responsible industry practices.

In his statement, El Guerrouj emphasized that the launch of this first processing plant opens up new horizons for the region’s economy. “Thanks to the joint efforts of the government and ANRAC, all conditions are in place for the successful start of this new industry,” he said with optimism.

He added that one of the key priorities is supporting investors and farmers. “This initiative will allow an increasing number of local stakeholders to take advantage of the opportunities created by this new legal industry,” El Guerrouj highlighted.

In addition, the ANRAC director stressed that the agency has also launched a strict monitoring program to ensure compliance with regulations and standards. “This program, designed to promote a responsible and high-quality industry, will be regularly evaluated to ensure its effectiveness and adaptation to sector developments,” he noted.

The factory, built on more than 3,000 square meters with a 20 million dirhams investment, is equipped with state-of-the-art nurseries and extraction units. It is focused on processing cannabis legally grown in the region, contributing to local economic development. By creating 25 permanent jobs and over 300 seasonal positions, the plant offers new opportunities for the local workforce while promoting a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

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