Home Morocco Moroccan tourism sector launches KAFAA program for skill validation

Moroccan tourism sector launches KAFAA program for skill validation

On Thursday, Fatim-Zahra Ammor, Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts, and Social Economy and Solidarity, officially launched the “KAFAA” Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) program, marking a first in Morocco’s tourism sector.

The announcement was made during a follow-up meeting chaired by Ammor. On the same day, she led a meeting on the human capital enhancement program, in collaboration with the Office of Vocational Training and Labor Promotion.

These meetings, attended by Hamid Bentahar, President of the National Tourism Confederation, are part of a strategic initiative to strengthen human capital, one of the pillars of the 2023-2026 tourism roadmap.

The VAE program will offer official recognition and certification to experienced sector employees without formal diplomas, acknowledging the skills they have acquired on the job. The registration platform, Kafaa.ma, will go live on July 26, 2024.

“Human capital is one of our pillars for a world-class Moroccan tourism industry. Our ambitious programs, KAFAA and the human capital enhancement, are designed to meet the growing expectations of both national and international tourists and to elevate our industry to new heights,” Ammor emphasized in a ministry statement.

She further noted, “These initiatives aim to address current challenges by securing numerous jobs in the sector while preparing for the future, particularly with the upcoming 2030 World Cup.”

Bentahar added, “The KAFAA program is a powerful tool that values sector talents and officially recognizes their skills. I encourage all industry stakeholders to actively participate in this program, which will enhance our competitiveness.”

The human capital enhancement program, launched in November 2023, has made significant strides in its three components, particularly the excellence cap. Twelve sectoral establishments dedicated to tourism have been identified, with a public-private co-management model involving partners and professionals.

Two training centers for hospitality and tourism in Guich Loudaya, Rabat, and Al Hank, Casablanca, will open in 2024. Essential equipment acquisition for modernizing these centers has already begun.

For middle management training, essential soft skills like management, leadership, and strategic analysis have been identified through various professional workshops. A certification program is being rolled out to train and certify 2,000 graduates annually.

Additionally, an e-learning platform for ongoing excellence training is under development, targeting 2,000 beneficiaries per year. This platform will feature tailored pedagogical content and engineering.

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