Home Morocco Morocco’s customs controls generate over 4.7 billion dirhams in 2023

Morocco’s customs controls generate over 4.7 billion dirhams in 2023

Customs controls on imports have generated additional revenues exceeding 4.7 billion dirhams (MMDH) during the 2023 fiscal year, according to the Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (ADII).

The ADII’s 2023 activity report highlights that value control is the primary source of these additional revenues, accounting for 86% of the total. On an annual basis, these revenues have seen a 28% increase compared to the previous year.

This growth is attributed to the proactive and collaborative approach adopted by the Administration to combat under-invoicing. This strategy involves updating value assessment bases based on sectoral analytical studies and regular consultations with professional associations and economic stakeholders across various sectors.

Additionally, immediate controls, excluding value control, have resulted in the collection of 468 million dirhams (MDH) in additional duties and taxes in 2023, marking a 23% increase from 2022. Post-clearance audits have yielded 138.13 MDH in 2023, including 103.7 MDH from duties and taxes and 34.43 MDH from fines.

Furthermore, revenues from traveler controls in terms of duties and taxes rose by 13% compared to 2022, amounting to 97 MDH.

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