Home Morocco UM6P hosts pioneering international congress on care economy

UM6P hosts pioneering international congress on care economy


On June 25 and 26, 2024, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) in Rabat will host the first-ever International Care Economy Congress. This significant event, themed “Care Economy and Social Protection: Pillar of Women’s Empowerment, Employment Promotion, Well-being, and Family Resilience,” aims to highlight the crucial role of the care economy in societal development.

Organized through a collaborative effort involving the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Insertion and Family, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Enterprises, Employment and Skills, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and UM6P, the congress will gather global experts to discuss the future of social protection and women’s empowerment.

“The congress will provide a platform for reflection, mobilizing collective intelligence to build an integrated care economy system through the exchange of experiences and knowledge,” stated the organizers.

The main objective is to position investment in the care economy as a lever for women’s empowerment and job creation, thereby reducing the costs associated with social protection programs and ultimately achieving family well-being and resilience.

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