BANK OF AFRICA introduces its new brand promise: With BANK OF AFRICA, Dima Kayn L’hal.

Using a straightforward tone, the claim Dima Kayn L’hal conveys the idea that the bank aligns with the lives and expressions of its clients, committing through its attentive listening and expertise to provide creative and tailored solutions to transform their needs into projects and their projects into successes.

Based on a Brand Equity strategy, BANK OF AFRICA’s new commercial brand platform emphasizes the group’s key commitments to its clients and the environment in general: expertise, proximity, customer-centricity and accessibility.

This new promise is reflected in a wide range of innovative banking and non-banking solutions for everyone, along with competitive and user-friendly offers in terms of pricing and usage.

A significant launch campaign is being conducted this month through a series of video capsules and posters, featuring a modern approach that breaks away from traditional banking norms. The new BANK OF AFRICA capsules take place in a recreated agency using the “oneshot” technique with instant scene changes. Each capsule presents a challenge faced by a client or prospect, with a consultant then offering the most appropriate solution.