The Moroccan Cinematographic Center (CCM) has just released its national film industry report for 2023, revealing significant growth and achievements in the sector. Here are five key statistics from the report that highlight this exceptional development:

  1. Unprecedented film production: In 2023, Morocco produced 34 feature films, the highest number in the history of Moroccan cinema.
  2. Record funding for cinemas: The Digitalization, Renovation, and Creation Fund awarded 28.5 million dirhams for cinema-related projects, marking the largest amount granted since the fund’s establishment in 2013.
  3. Increase in active screens: The number of active cinema screens across Morocco reached 81, the highest count since 2009.
  4. Foreign investment surge: Foreign film productions invested 1.14 billion dirhams in Morocco, the largest amount since 2015.
  5. Global festival presence: Moroccan films were featured in the official competition at 86 international festivals, the most extensive presence since 2017.