The prefecture of Fès is experiencing a significant boost in its tourism sector with 28 ongoing projects totaling investments of 1.39 billion dirhams. These initiatives aim to substantially increase the region’s hospitality capacity, adding 2,391 new tourist beds and opening 29 new dining establishments, according to the regional tourism delegation of Fès-Meknès.

Regional Tourism Delegate Abdellah Lamniai announced that Fès is gearing up to welcome these new investments, which are expected to enhance its attractiveness and accommodation potential. During a recent prefectural council session, he highlighted 42 additional tourism units under consideration, representing a further investment of 1.05 billion dirhams. These prospective projects would add 3,442 beds and 142 restaurant seats.

For the year 2023, Lamniai reported the completion of five new tourism projects, providing an additional 74 beds and 120 restaurant seats with a total investment of 53.7 million dirhams. These substantial investments are in response to a burgeoning demand for tourism in Fès.

Tourism in Fès is on the rise, with 489,260 visitors recorded in 2023, marking a 32% increase from 2022’s 369,552 tourists. Night stays also saw a 28% jump, from 746,445 in 2022 to 953,439 in 2023. Despite a slight drop in the average stay duration from 2.02 to 1.95 days, the occupancy rate climbed by one percentage point to reach 43%.

Fès attracts a diverse international clientele, with American tourists accounting for 16% of night stays, followed by French (13%), Italian (8%), Spanish (7%), and German (5%) tourists. British and Dutch visitors each made up 4% of the night stays.

Four-star hotels led the market with 32% of the night stays, followed by five-star hotels (23%), guest houses (19%), and three-star hotels (18%). Lamniai noted that 68% of tourists in Fès are non-resident foreigners, while resident tourists make up the remaining 32%.

Fès boasts a wide range of tourism options, with 40 classified accommodation units offering a total of 3,675 rooms and 7,206 beds. The city’s six five-star hotels provide the largest capacity with 2,385 beds, followed by eleven four-star hotels (2,363 beds), twelve three-star hotels (1,625 beds), two-star hotels (577 beds), and one-star hotels (256 beds).

Guest houses represent 25% of the available beds with 1,215 rooms and 2,440 beds, while hotels account for 72%. The city also features 35 dining establishments with a total capacity of 4,375 seats.

The tourism sector is supported by 57 travel agencies, including 14 branches, 136 transport and logistics companies, and 548 tour guides, with only two specializing in natural heritage.