Domestic tourism in Morocco continues to gain momentum, with classified hotels recording approximately 8.5 million overnight stays in 2024. This figure represents 30% of the total hotel stays, highlighting the growing importance of local travelers in the country’s tourism sector.

Encouraging year-round domestic tourism, rather than limiting it to peak seasons, remains a key priority. Authorities aim to provide Moroccan citizens with greater opportunities to explore their country’s diverse landscapes and cultural heritage throughout the year.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic tourism has emerged as a cornerstone of Morocco’s tourism industry, providing resilience and stability to the sector during challenging times. In response to this evolving trend, the government introduced the 2023-2026 tourism roadmap, which dedicates two specialized categories to domestic tourism: “Seaside Escapes” and “Nature & Discovery.” These initiatives are designed to develop travel experiences that align with the purchasing power of Moroccan tourists while leveraging cross-sector synergies and large-scale development projects.

One of the primary goals of the roadmap is to enhance connectivity between Morocco’s various tourist destinations, addressing regional accessibility challenges. Efforts include the launch of new domestic flight routes, fostering investment in high-demand tourist products, and intensifying promotional efforts through initiatives such as the popular “Ntla9aw fbladna” (Let’s Meet in Our Country) campaign.

By strengthening these efforts, Morocco aims to further boost domestic travel, stimulate local economies, and ensure that citizens fully benefit from the country’s rich tourism potential.