Barid Al-Maghrib has embarked on a significant initiative to regularize its extensive real estate portfolio, which is divided into two distinct phases. The goal of this project is to resolve the legal and technical status of numerous properties, some of which have not yet been acquired or are in the process of legal regularization.

To accomplish this task, Barid Al-Maghrib plans to hire an external consultancy firm at a cost of 7.2 million dirhams (MDH). The properties in question fall into four categories:

  1. Properties not yet acquired but allocated to Barid Al-Maghrib, lacking legal and financial regularization.
  2. Properties acquired through contracts but not yet registered or transferred to Barid Al-Maghrib’s name.
  3. Properties under registration requisition, registered in the name of Barid Al-Maghrib alone or with other owners.
  4. Properties for which Barid Al-Maghrib holds land titles that require updates.

The consultancy firm’s mission will be to prepare the necessary technical and legal documents to regularize the status of these properties in accordance with current regulations. The first phase of this project is expected to be completed within 27 months, while the second phase is scheduled for 36 months.

Alongside this real estate regularization, Barid Al-Maghrib is also accelerating its digital transformation. The group plans to engage expert firms to design information system projects as part of implementing its digital roadmap.