Govt. Majority Composed of RNI, PAM and Istiqlal Parties (Akhannouch)
Govt. Majority Composed of RNI, PAM and Istiqlal Parties (Akhannouch)

The government majority will be composed of the National Rally of Independents (RNI), the Authenticity and Modernity (PAM) and the Istiqlal (PI) parties, announced, Wednesday in Rabat, the appointed head of government, Aziz Akhannouch.

At a press briefing attended by the Secretaries General of PAM, Abdellatif Ouahbi, and PI, Nizar Baraka, the head of government-designate stressed that the spirit of commitment shown by the SGs of the parties who have unanimously noted the delicate nature of the stage, has enabled the formation of the government majority (269 seats) in a short time, taking into account the current situation and the requirements of development.

Akhannouch added that they made sure to highlight the challenges of the stage, marked by the need to accelerate the enactment and implementation of the National Pact for Development to which His Majesty the King called after the adoption of the final report of the ad hoc committee responsible for developing the New Development Model.

The expectations of citizens were also highlighted, especially in the wake of the economic and social impact of the pandemic, he said, adding that the three parties have worked to form a united and effective government, in order to submit its composition to the appreciation of His Majesty the King and to give it form so that it can perform its duties in all homogeneity, in a spirit of altruism and total solidarity between its components, by mobilizing around a single project, that of allowing Moroccans to live with dignity.

Saying he understood the “legitimate and deserved” aspirations of some parties to participate in the government, Akhannouch explained that the principle of balance between the majority and the opposition requires not to concentrate all the force on one side in order to ensure the effectiveness of governmental and parliamentary action on both sides.

The logic of the choice of the government majority was guided by the direction taken by the popular will, as expressed by the ballot box, as well as the multiple common denominators of its components, the convergence of electoral programs and adoption of the same priorities claimed by Moroccans in the social and economic fields.

These electoral programs will serve as a fertile and appropriate platform for the development of a strong and achievable government program, the benefits of which will be visible in the first days of the new cabinet’s work, “in response to the directives contained in the report on the New Development Model”.

In this regard, he said that the dialogue between the parties comprising the majority “will continue to establish the proposed government structure and ministerial composition and submit it to HM the King to appoint the government,” adding that it will propose names known for their competence, credibility and probityā€¯.

Akhannouch also said he was proud of the Royal trust placed in his person, thanking all the parties that responded to the call by participating in the consultations and expressing their views and positions on the future, while praising the responsiveness of most of them as well as the climate of trust and quality of debates that marked the negotiations.