On June 28, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, decided to consult the Supreme Council of Ulema regarding certain religious issues presented by the commission responsible for revising the Family Code. This move demonstrates the King’s commitment to fostering collective reflection on matters related to this significant undertaking.

Balancing tradition and modernization

The King’s initiative emphasizes the values of constructive Ijtihad (independent reasoning) and moderation, which are central to Sharia law, in serving the best interests of Moroccan families. This Royal consultation draws from His Majesty’s religious authority as Amir Al Mouminine and President of the Supreme Council of Ulema.

Guided by enlightened policy and vision

This step aligns with the King’s enlightened policies and vision on societal issues, especially those concerning the family. The Ulema are tasked with evaluating the proposals, focusing on the necessity to derive inspiration from the principles and spirit of Ijtihad, while adhering to the rules and noble aims of Islamic Sharia.

Role of the Ulemas

Moroccan Ulemas are responsible for issuing Fatwas that align with the values and objectives of Islam, ensuring the preservation of family interests. Their role is guided by the High Directives of the King, as outlined in His Majesty’s letter to the Head of Government.

Royal Directives for a thorough examination

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, instructed the Supreme Council of Ulema to thoroughly examine the proposals from the Family Code revision commission, referencing the tolerant principles of Islam. The Council is to submit a Fatwa on these matters for the King’s High Consideration.