After a 21-year hiatus, the beloved lemonade “La Cigogne” is set to make a grand return to the Moroccan market this summer. The Société des Boissons du Maroc (SBM) has announced the revival of this iconic brand.

Historical roots and early popularity

“La Cigogne” was first introduced in 1929 by Brasserie Glacière Internationale (BGI), becoming the first Moroccan soft drink to win the hearts of consumers across all social classes. A decade later, the “Judor” brand was launched, which some consider the predecessor of the popular Orangina.

Market dominance and the impact of “Marocanisation”

In the 1970s, both “La Cigogne” and “Judor” dominated the Moroccan market, competing with international giants like Coca-Cola and Pepsi. However, the “marocanisation” law of 1973 led to BGI’s departure and the acquisition of its shares by SNI. SNI expanded its portfolio with brands like Youki and Gil.

Despite their initial success, these brands were gradually phased out in 1997 following a partnership between Brasseries du Maroc and Coca-Cola.

Revival of a classic

Now, SBM aims to bring “La Cigogne” back to life, with the beverage set to be available in bottles and cans starting July 2024. It remains to be seen whether other classic brands will follow suit.