On Monday, a state-of-the-art Digital Innovation Center, valued at 5.3 million dirhams, was inaugurated in Berkane as part of the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH).

The inauguration ceremony, led by Mohamed Ali Habouha, the governor of Berkane province, was attended by numerous officials and elected representatives. This center aims to enhance access to coding skills, expedite the acquisition of digital competencies, and bridge the gap between the digital industry and young individuals from vulnerable backgrounds.

Funded by the INDH under the Program for Revenue Improvement and Economic Inclusion of Youth, the center’s construction and equipment costs are estimated at 5.3 million dirhams. The facility is designed to create an inspiring environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and the promotion of entrepreneurial culture.

Developed in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Berkane, the Office of Vocational Training and Labor Promotion (OFPPT), and the Local Development Company Majal Berkane, the Digital Innovation Center targets non-student youth, trainees, and workers aged between 18 and 35.

The center’s mission is to provide a stimulating atmosphere where young people can cultivate digital skills essential for the modern workforce. By focusing on coding and other digital competencies, the center aims to prepare these young individuals for the rapidly evolving job market, thereby supporting their economic inclusion and enhancing their employment prospects.