The Directorate General of Meteorology has issued the following forecast for Tuesday, July 8, 2024. Here are the expected minimum and maximum temperatures for various cities:

  • Oujda: 20°C / 36°C
  • Bouarfa: 24°C / 42°C
  • Al Hoceima: 19°C / 26°C
  • Tétouan: 18°C / 30°C
  • Sebta: 15°C / 28°C
  • Mellilia: 20°C / 29°C
  • Tanger: 19°C / 33°C
  • Kénitra: 19°C / 27°C
  • Rabat: 18°C / 27°C
  • Casablanca: 18°C / 25°C
  • El Jadida: 19°C / 25°C
  • Settat: 16°C / 31°C
  • Safi: 17°C / 29°C
  • Khouribga: 18°C / 34°C
  • Béni Mellal: 19°C / 36°C
  • Marrakech: 20°C / 37°C
  • Meknès: 18°C / 34°C
  • Fès: 20°C / 35°C
  • Ifrane: 15°C / 33°C
  • Taounate: 22°C / 37°C
  • Errachidia: 28°C / 43°C
  • Ouarzazate: 24°C / 42°C
  • Agadir: 17°C / 26°C
  • Essaouira: 17°C / 24°C
  • Laâyoune: 19°C / 29°C
  • Smara: 17°C / 33°C
  • Dakhla: 18°C / 25°C
  • Aousserd: 25°C / 38°C
  • Lagouira: 21°C / 31°C
  • Midelt: 19°C / 39°C

The highest temperatures are expected in Errachidia with a scorching 43°C, and Bouarfa and Ouarzazate close behind at 42°C.

Coastal cities like Al Hoceima, Casablanca, and Essaouira will enjoy cooler weather, with highs of 26°C, 25°C, and 24°C respectively.

Midelt will also experience relatively high temperatures, reaching up to 39°C.

Ifrane, known for its cooler climate, will have temperatures ranging from a cool 15°C in the morning to a warmer 33°C during the day.

Stay hydrated and take necessary precautions if you’re in areas expecting high temperatures. Enjoy the pleasant weather if you’re in the coastal regions!