Salama Europe, the result of a collaboration between BOA EuroServices, RMA Assistance, and Mutuaide Assistance (a subsidiary of Groupama), is a comprehensive insurance assistance solution designed exclusively for Moroccans residing abroad (MRE).

Designed to offer complete protection and exclusive guarantees under all circumstances, the Salama Europe assistance contract covers all the needs of Moroccans residing abroad in medical assistance, technical assistance, legal assistance, and assistance in case of death.

Whether in Morocco or abroad, be it an accident during travel, a vehicle breakdown, illness, or death, BOA EuroServices clients benefit from full assistance and coverage 24/7.

By subscribing to Salama Europe through BOA EuroServices agencies or via the BMCE Direct personal space, clients gain access to a range of exclusive services:

  • Assistance in case of an accident or sudden and unexpected illness, covering medical and hospital expenses up to €4,650.
  • Coverage for repatriation in the event of the insured’s death.
  • Four airline tickets to attend the funeral of a close relative in Morocco.
  • Funeral expenses package of €2,050.
  • Following a traffic accident involving the insured vehicle outside the country of residence:
    • Advance of bail up to €5,580.
    • Coverage of legal fees up to €1,860.

Commercialized in France and Spain across the entire BOA EuroServices network, the Salama Europe offer will soon be extended to other countries where the European subsidiary operates.

This launch marks a crucial step in BOA EuroServices’ commitment to making its services accessible and tailored to the needs of its MRE clientele in Europe.