Morocco has made headlines as the sole African and Arab nation to sign the “Declaration of Saint Domingue” on Venezuela, alongside around 20 other countries. This declaration demands that the Venezuelan regime respect the results of the July 28 presidential elections.

In Argentina, the news site “NacionWeb” highlighted Morocco’s stance under the title, “Morocco Joins Democracies Denouncing Fraud and Repression Against the Venezuelan People.” The article noted that the declaration was signed during the official inauguration ceremony of Dominican President Luis Abinader’s second term, emphasizing Morocco’s consistent international policy.

Another Argentine outlet, “Corrientes de Tarde,” recalled that in January 2020, Morocco had already expressed support for Juan Guaidó, who was re-elected as the legitimate president of Venezuela’s National Assembly. The article reaffirmed that Morocco supports the true aspirations of the Venezuelan people.

In Peru, the daily “La Razon” reported that Morocco stands as the only African country among the many signatories addressing the Venezuelan crisis, underlining that in a context of global tensions and challenges, Morocco reaffirmed its commitment to democratic principles and human rights by signing the joint declaration in the Dominican Republic.

The Peruvian news agency “Agencia Andina” observed that Morocco’s position on the Venezuelan crisis has been consistent and firm for over five years, continuously supporting democratic forces in Venezuela.

The website of the Federation of Peruvian Journalists (FPP) praised Morocco as a staunch defender of the Venezuelan people’s legitimate aspirations for a truly democratic state. The site also recalled that Morocco was the first African country to officially receive Juan Guaidó’s special envoy, José Ignacio Guédez, in July 2019.

Peruvian radio “San Martin” echoed similar sentiments, stating that Morocco reaffirmed its commitment to democratic principles and human rights by signing the declaration in the Dominican Republic.

In Chile, the website “El Periodista” noted that Morocco became the only African and Arab country to sign the declaration on the Venezuelan crisis, reaffirming its dedication to democratic principles and human rights.

Panama’s news outlet “En secundos” also highlighted Morocco’s participation, noting that the Kingdom is part of the group of countries calling for a return to reason, calm, respect for democracy, and human rights in Venezuela.

In El Salvador, “El Diario del Salvador” reported that with this signature, Morocco becomes the first African country to support this international initiative, led by the United States and supported by around 20 nations globally. The publication stressed that this support reaffirms Morocco’s commitment to democratic principles since the start of the Venezuelan crisis over five years ago.

The “Declaration of Saint Domingue” calls on Venezuelan social and political actors to exercise maximum restraint and emphasizes respect for democratic principles, human rights, and the freedoms of all Venezuelans, particularly the right to peaceful protest and freedom of expression.

The signatories also issued an “urgent appeal” to Venezuelan authorities to end violence and release all detainees, including opposition representatives. They further requested the “urgent return of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights’ office to Venezuela” to ensure adequate conditions for it to fully carry out its mandate.