On Monday in Rabat, the African Development Bank (AfDB) introduced a new digital solution, “RASME” (Appraisal Supervision Monitoring and Evaluation), which enables the collection of precise and reliable real-time data to track project progress in digital formats.

Set to be rolled out across all African countries, RASME leverages a range of digital technologies to enhance the project monitoring and evaluation processes, according to an AfDB statement.

Speaking at the launch event, Achraf Tarsim, the AfDB country manager for Morocco, emphasized that RASME will significantly improve the speed, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of project data collection, leading to better design and deployment of future Bank operations.

Abdelkrim Achir, Deputy Director of Treasury and External Finance representing the Ministry of Economy and Finance, highlighted that “Morocco is an emerging country aspiring to new levels of growth with an accelerating development pace.”

“This solution will contribute to this aspiration by providing reliable data to ensure more effective and efficient project management. Decision-making will be easier, serving development priorities,” he noted.

Using mobile devices (smartphones), aerial or satellite images, the RASME system allows for the collection of precise and reliable real-time data to monitor project progress in digital formats (data, photos, videos, maps, etc.), directly from the field.

RASME is a continental initiative illustrating the Bank’s digital transformation of its operational processes. It also serves as an opportunity to strengthen the partnership between public project management units and the Bank’s sectoral experts.

The launch ceremony included the start of a four-day training workshop, bringing together over 80 participants, including the Bank’s Moroccan partners and project managers based in Morocco.

The presentation of this new solution was followed by discussions on the possibilities offered by various data collection vectors and the facilitation of the project monitoring and evaluation process.