The Moroccan Conjuncture Center (CMC) has released its latest monthly publication, “Maroc Conjoncture” No. 370, a special issue dedicated to “The Automotive Industry in Morocco: Strengths and Economic Contributions.”

This new edition delves into several key topics, including the “Development of Very High-Speed Broadband Worldwide: Where Does Morocco Stand?”, “Consolidation of the Disinflationary Process: Prospects for a Gradual Easing of Monetary Conditions,” and “Morocco’s Rise in the Automotive and Electric Industry: From Strategic Assets to Concrete Achievements,” according to a CMC press release.

The CMC emphasizes the strategic importance of high-speed broadband, highlighting multiple studies that have demonstrated its positive impact on economic growth, productivity gains, employment, production, consumer surplus creation, and business efficiency.

Furthermore, the report notes that Morocco, a North African country with abundant natural resources and a strategic geographical location, is increasingly establishing itself as a key player in the global automotive industry. The development of the electric vehicle (EV) battery segment represents a significant opportunity for Morocco to achieve continental leadership in this rapidly evolving sector.

For very small enterprises (VSEs) and startups, the CMC underscores their central role as drivers of innovation and job creation. These entities, with their flexible nature and ability to explore uncharted niches, are particularly well-positioned to drive the emergence of new economic sectors such as robotics, computing, and 3D printing.

The report also highlights Morocco’s series of strategic projects and the attraction of international investments to develop its electric battery sector. These initiatives aim to position the country as a hub of production and innovation in the EV industry, meeting the growing demands of the global market and new environmental regulations.

Additionally, the CMC projects a real-term growth rate of 5.4% for 2025, contingent upon an average cereal harvest of 60 million quintals (MQtx).

This latest edition of “Maroc Conjoncture” underscores Morocco’s significant strides in technological and industrial development, setting the stage for robust economic growth and strategic positioning in key global markets.