Moroccan journalist, editor, and writer Hicham Houdaifa is a distinguished member of the official jury for the 15th edition of the Agadir International Documentary Film Festival (FIDADOC), taking place from June 7th to 12th.

Alongside Hicham Houdaifa, the jury includes Franco-German filmmaker Anja Unger and Senegalese artist Fatou Kande Senghor, both renowned for their dedication to culture, particularly in the field of documentary cinema.

In a statement to the Moroccan Press Agency (MAP), Houdaifa expressed his honor at being part of the jury, highlighting his eagerness to leverage his extensive experience in documentary writing to contribute to the success of this festival edition. He emphasized the significance of this event as a recognition of the efforts made to develop documentary cinema and the broader audiovisual industry on a national level.

Houdaifa praised FIDADOC and its “Documentary Hive” initiative, celebrating the emergence of a new generation of documentary creators, videographers, and documentarians who have gained international acclaim thanks to cultural events like this.

Since 1996, Hicham Houdaifa has worked for several Moroccan media outlets and served as the New York correspondent for Afrique Magazine in the early 2000s.

As a co-founder of the publishing house “En toutes lettres,” specializing in journalistic essays, where he oversees the EnquĂȘtes collection, Houdaifa has authored several works. In 2018, he launched the “Openchabab” training program with journalist Kenza Sefrioui, and more recently, the “School of Critical Thinking.”