A see through piggy bank with money coinsSeeing through piggy bank with money coins

The results of the ongoing household survey conducted by the High Commission for Planning (HCP) for the second quarter of 2024 reveal a grim outlook on savings among Moroccan households.

Only 9.8% of households expect to save money in the next 12 months, compared to a staggering 90.2% who do not anticipate any savings. This sentiment is reflected in the savings opinion balance, which stands at -80.4 points. This marks a decline from the previous quarter’s -81.5 points and the -79.4 points recorded in the same quarter of the previous year.

The survey highlights that 96.4% of households reported an increase in food prices over the past 12 months, with a negligible 0.4% noting a decrease. The opinion balance on food prices remains deeply negative at -96 points, a slight improvement from -96.5 points in the previous quarter and -98 points a year earlier.

Additionally, 82.1% of households anticipate further increases in food prices over the next 12 months, while 14.9% expect prices to remain stable and 3% foresee a decrease. Consequently, the opinion balance on future food prices remains negative, at -79.1 points, compared to -70 points in the previous quarter and -67.7 points a year ago.