On January 26, 2025, the French TV channel M6 aired an investigative report titled “Bread, Fruits, Vegetables: Exposing a New Scandal,” claiming that phosphate fertilizers imported from Morocco are “naturally very high in cadmium,” a substance alleged to be harmful to human health. However, a closer examination of the facts reveals that these claims are not only misleading but also fail to acknowledge several key realities.
Strict compliance with European standards
Since the enforcement of European regulation (EU) 2019/1009 in 2022, the maximum allowable cadmium content in phosphate fertilizers sold within the EU has been set at 60 mg/kg of P₂O₅. Moroccan fertilizers have consistently adhered to this threshold, ensuring full compliance with European standards. In fact, as of January 1, 2025, all phosphate fertilizers exported from Morocco to the EU contain cadmium levels below 20 mg/kg of P₂O₅—far below the regulatory limits.
Thanks to these efforts, Moroccan fertilizers now qualify for the “low cadmium content” label under EU guidelines, meeting the stringent requirements of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (Anses), both of which were cited in the M6 report to support its allegations.
False accusations and misleading claims
The claim made by M6 that Moroccan phosphate fertilizers are “naturally very high in cadmium” is simply inaccurate. These fertilizers undergo a meticulous manufacturing process that ensures they meet international quality and safety standards. Regular inspections and quality controls confirm their compliance, debunking the notion that they pose a health hazard.
As the world’s leading phosphate producer, Morocco has consistently prioritized compliance with global regulations while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainable agriculture and food security. The country’s initiatives aim not only to satisfy market demands but also to promote responsible and environmentally friendly farming practices worldwide.
A report driven by sensationalism
By neglecting these critical facts, the M6 report presents a distorted view of reality. Rather than offering an objective analysis, it appears to rely on selective information and inaccuracies to generate fear and controversy—an approach that, while effective for attracting viewers, undermines journalistic integrity and credibility.
Morocco’s dedication to sustainable agriculture and adherence to international standards is unquestionable. The claims made in the report fail to stand up to factual scrutiny. In an era where misinformation can spread rapidly, it is crucial to uphold verified and balanced reporting, especially on issues as vital as agriculture and public health.