The real estate financing sector, particularly through “Mourabaha” contracts, continues its upward trajectory, reaching 23.1 billion dirhams by the end of June, up from 20.3 billion dirhams the previous year, according to Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM). This represents a 13.5% increase compared to June 2023, as outlined in BAM’s recent “Loans – Bank Deposits” dashboard.

The report also highlights an annual increase of 1.2% in loans to households, driven mainly by a 1.3% rise in housing loans and a 0.5% increase in consumer credit. Additionally, BAM noted that access to bank financing was considered “normal” by industrialists during the second quarter of 2024.

Regarding the interest rates on new loans, there was a slight increase to 5.45% in Q2 2024. The rates stood at 5.34% for large enterprises and 5.68% for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).